Tuesday, December 4, 2007

End of Semester

About ten Mont Alto Honors students enjoyed a pizza party / games night to celebrate the upcoming end of the semester. The students shared the projects they had worked on over the semester including: learning meditation techniques, building and testing a capacitor from aluminum foil and paper, and creating bio-diesel fuel. The most dramatic experience was Julie's helping out at the birth of a baby during her nursing internship! They also described the hard, but rewarding, work in the honors English and Science and Technology classes.

The students also discussed whether it was better to take an honors-option to a course or an honors only course. Each has its advantages and uses, so there was no firm conclusion as to which was better.

Then on to Scattergories

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Reflection on the Visit of Bhante Wimala to the MA Honors Students in September

Theravada Buddhist Monk Comes to Mont Alto Campus

Relaxation emanated from the man as he sat comfortably in his chair, his red robe gathering around him. He sipped tea with a natural smile on his face while a circle of people formed in John Bardi’s small upstairs office in the Wiestling Student Center.

One might think Bhante Wimala, a well-traveled Theravada Buddhist monk, would get a little nervous with so many inquisitive people crowded around him. All are eager to ask him questions about issues from Christianity to meditation. Bhante, however, shows no signs of stress whatsoever. His laid-back tone seems innate and his content facial expressions permanent. He engages each person he meets as if he were a lifelong friend. In short, he is anomalous in a culture which values quantity over quality, movement over repose, speed over tranquility.

The most beneficial element of Bhante’s visit was discovered in the first few questions. One question was asked in regards to gratitude, which seemed to be of particular importance to Bhante. Bhante began to speak about attitudes different persons seem to have toward life. “I am thankful every day,” Bhante said with a genuine enthusiasm. “I am thankful that I can walk every morning.” He then spoke about a gentleman with no legs he had met in his many travels. The man would line up continuously for a wheelchair and every time he did not get one he would happily leave, saying, “Maybe next time.” Perhaps this was the most potent discussion point in the entirety of Bhante’s meeting. One hears this gracious man--who has little himself and yet is unwaveringly optimistic about life--speak about those who do not have clean drinking water or even all their appendages and one begins to gain a sobriety unknown before. The I-pods, cell phones, and new cars don’t seem to matter so much now and the realization that it is quite sufficient to have a full meal plan and a comfortable dorm room begins to materialize.

The discussion is over now and Bhante bows his head in a reverence to all around him, recognizing the holiness in each human being. He is off to the next step in what has so far been an extensive journey. It is almost sad to see him walk out the door, as if the torch leading one out of the Platonic cave has just been doused. The challenge now is to keep the torch burning and fortify the lessons learned.

By Tony Arnold

Here is a link to Bhante Wimala's home page: http://www.bhantewimala.com/

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Twelfth Night

Last night five Mont Alto Honors students braved the cold to attend a performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night at Wilson College. A traveling troupe from the National Players performed at Laird Hall.

National Players features young actors in the classics. On their web page they are introduced as:

National Players, America’s longest running classical touring company, has now reached its 58th consecutive season of touring. Currently the touring program of Olney Theatre Center for the Arts, National Players has earned a distinctive place in American theater. Committed to the formation of young theatrical talent and audiences, National Players seeks to celebrate the experience of theatergoing by presenting the world’s greatest dramatic literature.

More projection by some of the lead characters, Viola especially, would have improved the performance. It was evident that the actors are still learning their craft. They give promise of a great future and the audience rewarded them with a loud standing ovation at the end.

It helped that we had read the play beforehand. With all the disguises and switching around it is easy to lose track of who is who. Thanks to Dr. Russo for leading the two discussion sessions. Seeing Twelfth Night was well worth delaying the start of the Thanksgiving break.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Discussion of Persistence of Myth

On Friday 9/21 twenty students and faculty of the Mont Alto Honors program met to discuss are recent article in the Washington Post by Shankar Vedantam called The Persistence of Myths Could Alter Public Policy Approach. Follow this link to the article.

The author cites recent research reports that indicate that people are likely to believe things they hear over and over even if they know, by reason, that what they are hearing is false. This has obvious implications for public policy. For example, political leaders can manipulate public sentiment by repeating assertions over and over. Or, public health campaigns that cite the dangers of smoking or drugs could in fact stimulate smoking and the use of drugs.

The discussion went from specifics, such as the War in Iraq, to more philisophical questions, such as what is the nature of truth, and how do we really know something is true. The honors students were continuing their discussion as they left at the end of an hour. We will certainly meet again to discuss other articles.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Welcome to the blog site for the Penn State Mont Alto Honors Program. This will be a place to highlight the activities of Honors Students over the coming academic year. It is also a place for students to reflect on their honors projects and activities.